My love for photography started at a very early age. As the sophistication of my cameras increased with my skill level so did my desire to collect this important visual record of time. I have been fortunate in regard to photographic opportunities enabling me to travel to many wonderful places on this planet. There was a link to the past present in most of my excursions from country to country. Unfortunately, that link to history was missing in my hometown prompting me to work hard to establish one. An important and significant part of Houston’s history is contained in The Sloane Collection. A slice of time shared thru a number of media outlets, government entities, published works and spoken words to the public…..
Story Jones Sloane III 

Freezing time, capturing a mood while recording a slice of life is the alure of photography. Those who could master the new invention became instant recorders of our visual history.

 We offer:

Custom Digital Reproductions

Sizes up to 40 x 96 inches on paper or canvas

Digital File Stockhouse

Both film and still available

Design Services Available

Office or Home space evaluation

Custom Photographic Services

Have Camera Will Travel

Lecture Services Available

Specializing in Houston's visual History 
archive film preservation